Boss's Pet

Sender: Boss – Floor 19 (

Subject: CONTINUED: Mandatory Training

Hi Sean,

Meet me in my office in the next 15 minutes. We need to discuss your training. Thanks!

Boss – Floor 19

“Seriously...?” Sean groaned, as he minimized the email client. “Never worked at a company this obsessed with ‘mandatory training...’” He leaned back in his chair, rubbing the bridge of his nose beneath his glasses. He had only been working at Pinnacle Corporation for the last month, but they had put him through more training programs than any company he worked for before. It was no wonder they needed so many sessions of it, though, as none of them seem to stuck; he couldn’t remember much of what was discussed in any of them.

He stood at the door to his boss’s office. The windows pointing to the rest of the floor are blinded, as they always are. It seems as if the boss doesn’t care much for what occurs through the rest of the office; he doesn’t have any security cameras marking any part of the ceiling either. Sean recalled all the water cooler conversations over the man: no one seemed to see him enter or leave his office through the day, and employees only saw him when called to his office. He didn’t seem to show up at any of the social outings they had, either. Nobody on the floor stuck around for long past 5:30 pm, so no one catches him sneaking out late in the day.

And no one has a clue what his fucking first name is.

Sean opened the office door to find the boss sitting at his desk, patiently waiting. In spite of the enigma he wrapped himself within, everyone was still familiar with how the man looked: he was a round, friendly-faced man, with a carefully trimmed layer of stubble covering his meaty chin. His hairline was receded back to the crown of his head, but the hairs on the side of his head were still a vibrant charcoal. He always seemed to have the same dark grey suit jacket and pants, with his white button-up shirt tucked beneath his belt line. His suit jacket may not have been fitted properly to his belly, as he never had it fastened properly.

“Sean, good to see you!” His greeting was jovial as Sean could remember it. “Please, have a seat.”

He motioned to the chair opposite him, and Sean quietly took his place on its seat. He had to shift around to find a comfortable pose, but the boss’s lecture would not wait.

“So, as you might remember from your contract, we still have a few more training sessions to go through, and we’re hoping to have that finished before your first three months complete, so I wanted to jump right on your next session today!”

Sean couldn’t help but sigh. “I... Do you mind if I ask a question about all this training, sir?”

“Certainly; go ahead!”

“Well,” he stammered, “It doesn’t really feel like any of it is sticking. I can barely remember a thing from any of the last training sessions these past few weeks... And I probably wouldn’t be so off-put by that if they meant anything for our work here. I’ve been to one or two jobs that have these mandatory training sessions for, like, ‘Company Culture’ or some bullshit like that, but I at least remember one or two ‘nuggets of wisdom’ from those lectures. But this training? What’s it doing for the company, in one direction or another? What’s the point of this huge training regimen if I’m retaining none of it?”

The wheels in his head began to turn just as the last words left his lips, and Sean clapped his hands over his mouth in shock. The phrasing was so vulgar and frank – nothing close to how he would’ve thought he’d express his point. He even swore straight to his boss’s face! He considered standing up and packing up his desk right then and there, but as he scanned over the fluffy man’s expression, he didn’t seem to share in any of Sean’s shock. His word choice didn’t seem to faze him in the least. He barely pondered the question, before he stood up from his chair and paced around the desk.

“Oh, it’s quite alright if you don’t really remember the training, Sean,” he explained, a polite smile stretching to his round cheeks. “In fact, that much is by design: you’re meant to absorb this training subconsciously, letting it direct your actions on a deeper level than you’d be able to recognize. Our internal studies show a considerable increase in productivity as a result!”

Sean furrowed his brow. “What...” The words stuck on his tongue as his mind circled the boss’s explanation. “What kind of training have you been putting me through...?”

The boss simply smiled. “Be honest: do you really need an explanation?”

“No, sir.” The words loosed from his lips effortlessly. He barely realized he had said it. The horror dawned on him slowly, realizing the truth in his response. He knew well enough what they had been doing to him this whole time.

That terror must have shown on his face, as his boss’s attitude began to shift in response. He rested a hand on Sean’s shoulder. “Now Sean, don’t let it bother you...” Those words soothed his anxieties – though consciously, he knew he shouldn’t let them. “There are plenty of employees here that have undergone this very training program, and have come out better for it – both within and without the company!”

“Did they know?”

“Eventually, they realized it.” The once pleasant demeanour was soured to Sean, now that he saw the sinister intent beneath. “Right around the same points in their training, in fact! If you can imagine, though, this is beyond the point of no return; we can’t undo the weeks of unconscious training your brain has already undergone, and that very training will make it quite difficult for you to walk away now!”

Sean glanced back at the door. “And even if I tried, you can stop me without even lifting a finger...”

The boss’s hand lifted from Sean’s shoulder. “If you’d like to give it a shot,” he nudged, “I promise I won’t stop you.”

The confidence in his boast was clear. And it wasn’t unfounded; as much as Sean pushed against the brainwashing, his body refused to even leave the seat of his chair. He barely fought at all, once he felt how little fight he could give. His will was feeble in the face of the company’s control over him. He claimed what little dignity he could in the moment, muttering under his breath: “The pay here’s better than most offices...”

His boss smiled down at him. He leaned in close to Sean. “Well, now that we’ve closed the book on that, allow me to propose a change: since there’s no concern of you rejecting further training, perhaps you’d like to remain consciously aware of this session, and others after this? I’ll make this one in particular worth your while~” He rested his hand on his subordinate’s thigh. Sean didn’t retreat, or even flinch. He didn’t speak, instead looking up to his boss’s eyes. The indignation in his gaze couldn’t hide the hunger growing within him – a hunger he couldn’t trust was his own.

That answer, though, didn’t satisfy the man in charge. “Say it,” he spoke, the kindly facade giving way to a stern growl. “Do you want this?” He already had consent of a sort; what he wanted was his power spoken into life.

Sean resigned, and grumbled, “Yes, I want this, sir...” That brought a smile back to the boss’s face, but one more perverse than what Sean had seen him wear before.

“That’s a good pet...”

Those words seemed to knock something loose in Sean’s brain. He felt a warmth radiate across his whole body, and his mind began to cloud over. All of a sudden, his worries seemed so much further away. The betrayal he felt moments before began to fizzle out. What was bothering him just moments ago...?

“Now, I want you to do one very important thing for me in this session, Sean: I want you to experience and remember everything we do today, understand?”

“Yes, sir...” His words slurred out of his mouth, but his mind felt... not alert, but aware. It was a struggle to convince himself to move a finger, but his senses were alight, focused in on the sounds and smells of the office around him. His skin reacted to every bit of polyester, cotton, leather, plastic, and metal that connected with it. Even as his eyes glazed over, his vision felt brighter than moments before. Even the saliva on his tongue couldn’t escape his notice. His brain was a camera beyond compare, recording every minute detail with a clarity he could scarcely handle.

“Good,” his boss cooed. “Now, where do pets belong...?”

As the words slithered into his ear, he couldn’t help but clamour out of his chair. Knees met the carpet before the words stumbled out of his mouth, “Pets belong on the floor, sir.”

“That’s right.” Each word of acknowledgement sent waves of satisfaction through Sean’s body. Even as the heat in his groin rose, and he could feel himself begin to drool down below, he couldn’t even think of trying to pleasure himself. All he could do is gaze up at his boss and plead for some sort of release – release that he knew may never come.

At the very least, his boss would always recognize that pleading. “Look at you,” he jeered, “barely entered trance, and you already want me to give you permission to cum...?” The boss stepped to the other side of his desk, as Sean meekly kneeled in place. He rummaged through a drawer or two, before returning to face his subordinate. In his hands were two straps of leather: a dog collar and a leash, Sean recognized, though they seemed like they were for something larger than a dog. He reached around Sean’s neck, fastening the collar, as he began to lecture:

“See, this is the importance of this training, Sean: it’s all about discipline. Discipline is what keeps the office in order, what keeps the workers of this company performing their tasks to completion, and what keeps my pets obedient and loyal. It’s what allows you to overcome your base instincts and desire for sexual gratification, in favour of your job, your work, and your boss.” He took a moment to pat Sean’s crotch, jostling the device beneath. “It’s why I prefer to call belts and cages like these ‘discipline devices!’” He laughed to himself. “And when your training is finally at an end, it won’t even matter if you wear this belt or not: you’ll know such pleasure isn’t for pets like you, but for your betters. You’ll probably forget all about cumming, until the day I command it of you, and when you finally feel release, you’ll know the true pleasure came from your loyalty and devotion to me.”

His boss stood up, holding one end of the leash in his hand. He smiled down at the pet before his feet. His free hand reached to the fly of his trousers. “Now then, pet, why don’t you demonstrate the devotion I’ve helped you cultivate until now?” Even as the thick cock slipped free, his pet couldn’t help but eagerly reply, completely ignorant to the frustrations it had not minutes ago, and slowly losing grip on its humanity with each passing second.

“Yes, sir.”

The boss sat lazily in his chair, gazing at the computer screen in front of him. His most recent hire was on his hands and knees beneath the desk, smothering himself against his belly and crotch. Sean was eager in his service, having milked several loads from the boss’s fat sausage, even when the boss stopped showing pleasure in his fellating. The man simply sat there, peering at the lit screen, an expression just as blank as his pet’s.

All that appeared on the screen was a swirling pattern, black and white lines spiralling into a center. That, and an e-mail he received shortly into Sean’s training session.

Sender: Corporate Training (

Subject: CONTINUED: Corporate Training

To the Boss of Floor 19,

Thank you for your hard work in keeping order in the office! Your training module for this week is ready for your viewing! Please begin your training as soon as possible! Remember: every member of this company is an invaluable piece of the puzzle, and we must all keep adequately trained and honed to perform at the Pinnacle of our industry!

Corporate Training