The lab key spun around in his hand, passed deftly between each pair of fingers. Nick had gotten better at it over the past few weeks. He enjoyed idly fiddling with the key, but he did all he could to keep it close. This key was a privilege and a burden; losing it would yield too rough a punishment for the young man to handle. Betraying the expectations of those who entrusted him with this duty, to maintain the club he began... Nick sighed. He would do all he could to keep this key close.
Almost on cue, he fumbled. The key clattered on the ground in front of him. Damnit.
It hadn’t gone far, though. Not even a meter away. It was probably more embarrassing to stoop down and pick it up, if anything, but there wasn’t a person in the hallway to see him in the act. No obstacles to prevent his recovery. Not outside of his own head, at least.
Quick as he lost it, he continued to spin it between his knuckles. Perhaps his musings on the key’s value were a bit dramatic.
It wasn’t long – a few more times dropping the key along the way – before he came across room 404 of the sciences building. He peered down the hall in both directions, as if he hadn’t just walked the length of it. Nothing. Even 3 o’clock on the dot, the whole floor seemed vacant. His eyes laid upon the doorknob. The key in his hand slipped effortlessly into the lock, and turned.
He swaggered into the empty room, launching himself ass-first onto the front desk. It could take his weight no problem; it had taken plenty more than just him several times before. He would only stay seated for a few moments before checking his usual spots before anyone else arrived: in one of the cupboards on the window-side wall, he’d find cleaning equipment and rags he’d use regularly before they left the room at the end of the day; the windows themselves he would open just a crack, to keep the room ventilated at first, and to cool things down over time; he finished his wanderings by pushing some of the desks closer to one another, making for ample flat surfaces for any of the club members to use.
Typically, Harry was first to arrive – after Nick, at least. He could hear the footsteps approach, but the figure that entered the doorway wasn’t even close to Harry’s: they were too tall, too thick, dressed in brighter and more eye-catching colours. A striped crop-top in purple and pink framed their chubby belly alongside their bubblegum pink miniskirt. A sliver of their lap was exposed too, as their white thigh high socks reached high as they could to meet that skirt. Glancing back up, their hair was similarly fruity: dyed a bright pink, sides buzzed down and the top styled to rise at the center. Standing about as tall as Nick, their soft cheeks and rounded eyes made a gentle giant of them.
But Nick’s memory was jogged instead by the brown leather collar they wore around their neck, and the circular pair of glasses that sat upon their nose.
“Oh, you must be Jesse!” he remarked. “I wasn’t expecting you to be the first one here.”
“Is that alright...?” A nervous smile spread along his cheeks. “I know it’s only a little after 3; I can come back in a little later or something.”
“No, no, it’s cool,” he laughed. “Should only be you and me for like, a minute or two.” Nick sat on top of a desk, now sandwiched between two other desks to make a long table top. Legs spread, without hesitation, his right hand closed on his groin, squishing and groping his package beneath. “But if you wanna get started right away...?”
Caution washed away from Jesse’s grin, and he slid to his knees, prostrated before the seated blond man. The eager display caught Nick off guard, but didn’t stay his hand. The round, chubby face in front of his crotch didn’t shift away, watching intently for a chance to close in. Jesse’s azure eyes were attentive, patient, but a hunger lied beneath. Nick’s fingers shifted around the growing bulge in his slacks. Already, his duties as a leader called to him. He must tend to two demanding parties: the new member Jesse, and his own cock. He couldn’t hope to tease either one for much longer.
Harry was halfway through the door when Nick’s half-chub escaped from its confines. The short nerd stopped dead in his tracks, eyes locked on the head of dyed pink hair. He blinked. His eyes peeked up at Nick’s crotch, then his face. The realization stole away any panic from Harry’s expression. What took its place was a comical grimace. “There goes my record of being first to show...”
A muffled ‘sorry’ came from Jesse’s mouth, stuffed with Nick’s growing erection. A hand found its way onto his head, fingers slithering between tufts of pink hair. Nick’s grip was soft, but its direction was clear: go deeper into his lap.
“I’m pretty sure I’m always the first person here anyway,” Nick scoffed.
“Besides you...” Harry rolled his eyes, and found his way to a desk on the door side of the classroom. Nick shrugged, and kept focus on Jesse. He was dutiful, focused only on fellating the monstrous member. Feeling the back of his throat rolling along his foreskin and glans, and his lips suckling on his shaft... As Jesse’s eyelids parted, the orbs beneath shimmered. Taking Nick to the base was laborious, but he persevered. All the while, the clattering of Harry’s laptop as it met the desk surface and opened mixed with the wet kissing and gurgling escaping Jesse’s throat.
Cyril arrived minutes into their cocksucking session. He wore a quizzical expression as he looked up and down Jesse’s back side. His eyes – in fact – rested on the new member’s backside, or what covered it. He smirked. “Wasn’t expecting someone to waltz in here with a skirt, honestly.”
Nick chuckled over that. “You wanna see what’s under it? His mouth’s full right now, but Jesse texted me he was cool with just about anything – especially guys just casually using him however they wanted~!”
The moan that followed seemed affirmative, almost desperate and inviting. But Cyril shrugged.
“I can get a piece later, it’s cool.” Nick watched him stroll behind Harry and take a seat nearby him. Cyril was leaned in to the screen, observing what was likely a stream of words flowing from Harry’s brain onto a blank canvas. He hadn’t wondered much about it before, but Nick’s curiosity grew toward the contents of today’s story. Perhaps he was a bit self-absorbed for thinking so – or perhaps his mind was stuck on the tongue slipping under his foreskin – but he dared to believe Jesse and him as Harry’s muses of the day. He turned back around, relaxing into the blowjob some more.
A sliver of impatience grew in his mind just before Kevin walked into the door. Just as the others, there was a hint of surprise on his face – one that gave way quickly to a warm smile. “Hey, it’s nice to see a new member! I’d give a proper introduction, but I can see you’re a bit busy~!”
Nick could feel his cock twitch in Jesse’s throat. There was always something he found frustrating in Kevin’s charm – even if his dick disagreed. “Oh, we can take a break; plus I’m sure we can get someone else in on some action afterwards!” He didn’t want to stop, if he was being honest with himself.
But even as he lifted his hand from Jesse’s head, the new member had a different plan, and pushed deeper on Nick’s schlong. He and Kevin stared as that pink head of hair slowly sunk closer, meeting and pushing back the golden bush. Their eyes met. Kevin scoffed. “I’ll uh, hold you to that!” He zipped over to Cyril and Harry, placing a chair just behind the two of them.
Nick could feel the heat building in his core, and felt relief that Kevin chose then to walk away. Attractive as he found Kevin, how awkward would it be to blow his load down someone else’s throat while staring him in the face? Jesse must have gotten a hint, as he pulled back from the bed of blond pubic hair and worked his mouth faster on the length. Nick couldn’t prevent himself from gasping. He did what he could to hold himself back, but his focus dropped as another set of footsteps echoed into the room.
The dam busted just as Bill entered the room. Nick growled and moaned as his balls emptied into Jesse’s gut, and he shut his eyes tight. The release of pressure in his loins fought against his anxiety-ridden brain, but nothing would wash out the recognition that Bill was undoubtedly watching. His jaw was probably on the floor, a mix of shock and judgment and even disgust on his face. Even if it all turned him on, Bill would do everything in his power to push back against it.
The dopamine in his body quieted, reality settled back in, and Nick began to peek at the door again.
There was judgment in Bill’s eyes, no doubt, but disgust wasn’t quite right. Certainly not shocked; the furrowed brow – easy to spot, even behind his messy, greasy bangs – was not the face of a surprised Bill, by any stretch. The grimace he wore, though, told clear as day that he was not impressed.
Yet all he gave Nick in that moment was the pointed glare. Instead, he turned to the group in the back. Rather than speak, his arm stretched to the door handle behind him. His hand grasped on the knob, all it took was a flex at the elbow. The door swung effortlessly as his fingers freed their grip. His face was stone, up until the moment the loud crash of steel on wood, as the door clicked shut. Reflex jolted his eyes wide – he did not at all expect to slam it – but he recovered.
“No one wanted to do that on their way in...?”
Nick kept his mouth shut. Sure, it would be safer and better for privacy to keep the door closed as their club activities progressed, but every one of them knew this floor was almost completely vacant for hours. He even left the door open when he entered – not just to invite the squad in, but for ventilation. Bill seemed to be the only one dissatisfied with the excuse of the empty building.
Bill’s eyes shot back to Nick, then down to the person in his lap. His expression is complicated: a strange mix of his usual discomfort on the surface, and something beneath that. Nick had seen it once or twice before, but it was hard to place when – at least until Bill inadvertently reminded him. “So we’re just christening the new member or something? Seems like you always welcome someone into the group with your dick down their throat.” He looked at the now-shut door. “And someone walking in on you.”
“I didn’t do that with Kevin,” Nick retorted. The words were already out of his mouth by the time he realized they were a shoddy defense.
Kevin pouted in jest. “Does that mean I’m not an official member? We can open the door again and--” His jaw clamped shut as Bill’s eyes shot to him like bullets.
Nick could feel his softened dick release from its warm confines to the cool open air of the classroom. The pink head of hair rose from his lap. He stood a head taller than Nick seated. “I’m Jesse, by the way,” he introduced himself to Bill. His right hand was out. Bill initially looked at it with disgust, until closer examination softened his expression. Nick could only wonder if there was something he was expecting to see, that wasn’t there.
He took the outstretched hand and shook. “Bill,” was his own brief greeting.
Jesse looked back at Nick, a quizzical expression in his eyes. The blond had found him online, finding by coincidence they were part of the same college. Jesse had seemed interested in meeting others who were willing to explore casual sex, which fit perfectly enough with the squad’s modus operandi. It seemed natural to invite him in. But Nick learned quickly enough that Jesse was a mite bit kinkier than the average member – and most importantly, the most prudish member. He made a point to warn about Bill’s difficulties with the activities the squad regularly involved themselves in, thinking he would need to be eased into meeting new members.
For Nick, that was the purpose of the nod: Yes, this is the guy you should take it slow with.
A nod can mean many things, though.
“So hey,” Jesse began, “since Nick probably needs a minute, maybe I could get a turn with you next?”
Bill lit up like a stoplight. He stammered and stopped, no words coming easily to him, even as Jesse dropped back to his knees in front of him. If anything, he only became more flustered. Nick was the only one close enough – and concerned enough – to hop in, but Jesse’s hands were deft: like it was his own, he unbuckled Bill’s belt and fly swiftly, and already had his thumbs under the waistband. Nick’s protests fell slower than Bill’s pants.
Nick knew what the others were only beginning to realize: the rest of them were intimately aware of Bill’s bits by this point, but Jesse had never laid eyes on him. They had time enough to acclimate to his situation, to the point they would forget it was even unusual. But “unusual” could hardly be where the odds ended: it was beyond even a one-in-a-million chance.
Face-to-face with Bill’s crotch, Jesse beheld the twin rods. His face shifted to utter shock. “Holy shit! Two dicks!?”
“Y-- Yup!!” Panic was clear on Nick’s face, as his hands landed on Jesse’s. Recovery from this moment felt impossible, but he had to try something. He did all he could to stand Jesse back up, even as he nearly toppled over the desks behind him. “Yeah, turns out Bill won the-- fuck..! He won the genetic lottery! But you know-- shit... No big deal!!” Finding a means to physically distance the two from each other was all he could think of to save anyone face, but he couldn’t help tripping over himself. “Not even something we have to draw attention to!” His pointed look could only do so much to clue in Jesse as each step seemed clumsier than the last.
Nick turned back to Bill’s face. Mortified wasn’t strong enough of a word. Nick only saw this expression once before: when he accidentally unveiled Bill’s package the first time, before they left high school. It was only between the two of them, and Nick managed to have much more tact, but a third party responding in excitement made everything so much harder.
“That’s awesome, though!” Jesse closed back in, peering intently at the soft cocks. “Like, it’s a medical miracle, having two of them in the first place!” Nick would be thankful later that Jesse kept his hands to himself, but his examination of Bill’s situation was still thorough. “Are they both functional? Does cum shoot from both of them, or just the one? What about when you pee?” He squinted. “And who let you keep both these dicks, but still circumcised them...?”
“All intriguing questions!” Nick’s efforts to correct course were faltering. Being direct may be necessary – an approach he loathed. Confrontation was not at all his strong suit. “But you know, Bill just got here, so let’s give him some space to acclimate, shall we?” A hand gently shoved Bill at his tummy.
But what retreat Nick gave Bill wouldn’t be accepted.
“No, hold on,” Bill argued, “who the hell just rips down someone’s pants like that!?” His temper was unravelled, more than usual.
Cyril chimed in: “Don’t you tend to get your pants ripped down a lot around here?”
“Let’s not...” Kevin was gentle in his suggestion. “Maybe leave this to Bill this one time.”
Harry kept quiet, but his eyes were on the trio at the front of the classroom.
At least now, hearing the shift in Bill’s tone, Jesse knew to backpedal. “I’m sorry, I got ahead of myself,” he said. His hands were raised. “I haven’t really been to an orgy-like club before – or a regular orgy either--”
“People take off their own clothes at those!” Bill shouted. “No-- that’s not the damn point!” Nor is it necessarily true, was what Nick thought, but now wasn’t the time. “Why are you just assuming I’m fucking cool with someone just ripping down my pants like that--”
“Bill, cool it,” Nick stepped in between the two. “He’s apologizing; just get a bit of space.”
“Oh, of course you’re so lax about it, like he just got finished sucking you off! And like you’ll roll with any insane sex shit as long as you can get your rocks off!”
Nick’s eyebrow twitched. It was hard to maintain composure, but he could tell from the shift in his target: Bill was just lashing out at this point. “Bill, come on, let’s step outside...!” He took the scrawny man by his shoulders and slid him out the door.
But partway out the doorway, Bill – halfway between his tantrum and a stutter – reminded him: “M-my pants are still down, asshole!”
The bus was empty, save for the two bespectacled men and the driver. Bill and Nick customarily stayed close to one another as they rode home, but it always seemed as if Bill made a point to keep at least a seat apart, save for the busiest days. Even then, the brown-haired man did what he could to maintain even a centimeter between them. Today, he had the luxury to put more space between him and his childhood friend. Nick respected it every time.
Club activities had continued mostly unabated after Bill’s outburst. Perhaps his loss of temper was something they saw coming this whole time, and they knew how to maintain their libido past his fury. Perhaps the sex they indulged in was an effort to distract themselves. Perhaps they knew one man’s personal problems shouldn’t distract from their own joys. The reason wasn’t important. Jesse may have wanted to provide a reason for trying to repair his earlier fumble – prompted by him pulling down Bill’s pants – by once again pulling down Bill’s pants. He did ask first, at least. When Bill grumbled a “do what you want, I guess,” Harry was quick to confirm that was his way of saying “yes.” Kevin, meanwhile, would clarify that Bill may not be as quick to accept a blowjob as a proper apology, though it didn’t stop the pink-haired fellow.
Nick was the only one who struggled to get back in the mood. All the while that others entertained themselves, he seemed unable to get himself hard again. Bill’s frustrations were on the forefront of his mind. The words he said weren’t as prominent to him as the furor he unleashed. The hurt he faced, and as a result, the hurt he created.
“Hey, Bill...”
“You don’t have to apologize on someone else’s behalf.”
“I wasn’t going to.” Nick looked over at him, but maintaining eye contact was impossible. How could he, when Bill was turned to the opposite window the whole ride? “But I thought I’d at least give some perspective, since I invited Jesse to begin with.”
“And you just told him we were just an orgy club...”
“What I told him,” Nick corrected, “was that we mostly had sex at club, just kind of vibing, so we ‘operated like’ a smaller scale orgy.”
“Were you the one that told him basic fucking manners were out the window?”
“That’s not fair, and you know it.” He could see just enough of Bill’s brow to see it crease. “I made a point to say you’d be a bit of an exception compared to the rest. There was a miscommunication in the moment, was all.”
“And of course, I have to pay the price for it...” There were words unsaid there, Nick could feel it. But what good would come of addressing the unspoken now?
“Bill, Jesse wasn’t trying to cause any harm.” He knew Bill couldn’t help but be apprehensive of his diphallia. He knew any overt focus on his “unnatural mutation” filled him with immense shame. But Bill would never actively admit that, even if his actions spoke so much louder than words. And perhaps what angered him more than unwanted attention on his cocks was someone claiming to know how he felt. Addressing it was an exercise in walking on glass shards. “From what I could see, it seemed like having him fixated on your bits like that pissed you off. I tried to avoid that as much as I could, and he was just genuinely curious.”
Bill stayed silent, for a moment. His gaze stayed out the window. “It’s fine. I’ll get over it.”
Nick frowned. The unspoken came to mind again. It was always the unspoken with Bill. More and more between the two of them was left to interpretation, no matter how hard Nick tried to dredge it to the surface. He leaned back in his seat, defeated yet again.
In his pocket, he fiddled anxiously with the room key again. The sputtering of the bus engine and the city ambience did little to quiet the silence of the ride home.